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Employer Information

Flexible career options through education
Education and Skills Training is dedicated to expanding work related experiences for students with barriers to employment and developing partnerships with employers. Employers become a part of an exciting process of educating students by sharing expertise and providing a positive influence. ESTR can provide local businesses with access to students to fill entry level employment needs.
Download Employer InformationCity of Kamloops staff find the practicum to be as enriching as the students. The staff enjoy getting to know the students and sharing their expertise and skills while gaining valuable insight into how to build a more accessible and inclusive work force. Bernie, Human Resources Advisor, City of Kamloops
ESTR students have impacted us in a very positive way. Its fun having ESTR students here, and I haven’t hosted a student that didn’t have a positive impact on the location. Everyone has shone through in a different way. Students are helpful, nice, hardworking, and they seem very appreciative when they’re here. Everything has been positive for our business. B-Jay, manager at Aberdeen Tim Hortons
Employer responsibilities
- Welcome the student and give an orientation to your business
- Set realistic, entry level work goals and provide learning opportunities
- Give the student feedback and complete student performance review
- Communicate with ESTR faculty
Practicum hours
- Typically 16 to 20 hours per week
- Students are not required to work on statutory holidays
Insurance coverage
- TRU Insurance covers accidents, personal liability, and property damage
- WCB coverage is provided for students while on practicum
- Practicum is a learning opportunity and part of course requirements, therefore, financial remuneration is not required
Employer benefits
- Partnership with TRU in providing hands on education and training
- No added financial commitment
- Faculty support on and off site
- Opportunity to assess a student’s suitability for your business
- Encourages an inclusive and diverse workplace
- Builds staff morale and sensitivity
- Enhances customer loyalty
- Demonstrates participation in community and social responsibility
Student benefits
- Transfers skill development from the classroom to the workplace
- Develops and improves employability and job skills
- Offers valuable experience in a workplace setting
- Provides an opportunity to show student’s skills and abilities
- Enhances confidence, self-esteem and self-reliance
- Expands awareness of personal qualities essential for success in the workplace
- Builds a student’s resume and network
- Allows students to contribute and feel part of their community
Employers who promote diversity often comment that it makes good business sense. The practice of giving opportunities to ESTR students can help contribute to a safe work environment, build community, and pride within the workplace.