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Program Courses
ECE diploma program schedules
The Early Childhood Diploma program can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis.
Post-diploma certificates
Graduates of an ECE program may want to continue their studies to specialize in working with infants and toddlers and/or children with special needs.
Students who have not obtained an ECE Diploma from TRU must have completed coursework equivalent to TRU's ECED 2440 and ECED 2490 which are required by the BC ECE Registry to meet their certification requirements for specializations.
If official transcripts for an ECE diploma program taken at other institutions do not indicate that equivalent courses have already been completed, then ECED 2440 and ECED 2490 must be completed prior to acceptance into either of the post diploma certificate programs. A 3-credit undergraduate English Composition or Literature course must also have been completed.
The Special Needs Educator post diploma certificate provides ECE graduates with the opportunity to continue their studies with a focus on children with individual differences. Areas of learning include: child development, supporting children’s social skills, programming for individual children, critical reflection, working with a team of educators and other professionals to facilitate inclusion,the ECE’s professional role, and skills to support families. Students have the opportunity to connect theory and practice in practicum.
The Infant and Toddler Educator post diploma certificate provides ECE graduates with the advanced skills and knowledge to work with children under the age of three. Areas of learning include: infant and toddler development, critical reflection, creating developmentally appropriate learning experiences for infants and toddlers, the ECE’s professional role, and skills to support families. Students have the opportunity to connect theory and practice in two practica.

I have learned so much from this amazing program. I feel like I am now equipped with lifelong tools that will help me become a great educator.ECE graduate