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- Peer-Mentoring for Early Childhood Educators in British Columbia
> TRU Home > Faculty of Education and Social Work > Research > Peer-Mentoring for Early Childhood Educators in British Columbia
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- Peer-Mentoring for Early Childhood Educators in British Columbia
Peer-Mentoring for Early Childhood Educators in British Columbia
This project, led by Dr. Laura Doan, associate professor, supports the ongoing professional development needs of beginning and experienced eary childhood educators.
It aims to expand the current infrastructure of support, with the aim of slowing the number of ECEs who leave the field by building the capacity of ECEs, supporting their ongoing professional identity development needs, increasing their levels of teacher-efficacy, and boosting confidence in their abilities as educators.
The project will develop a provincewide peer mentoring network in collaboration with the Early Childhood Educators of BC.
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Laura Doan