Private Testing
The TRU Assessment Centre provides private testing services for individuals wanting to write exams from institutes or agencies other than TRU.

Supervision fees: The test supervision fee is $50 + GST per three-hour sitting, with additional fees for longer sessions. Please note this fee is non-refundable.
Postage fees: There is no charge if the testing material is sent via regular mail or if a pre-paid waybill is provided by the institute/agency. There is a $15 postage fee if the individual wants the material returned by courier anywhere in Canada. The fee will vary for locations outside Canada.
If you require private testing services, please complete the private testing request form
Once we receive this form, we will contact you via email or phone to discuss your request.
If it is possible for us to supervise the testing session, you will need to pay the private testing fee in advance to secure your appointment. Instructions for doing so will be sent to you via email. This fee is nonrefundable.
Once your appointment is confirmed, you are responsible for arranging for the testing material to be sent to the TRU Assessment Centre prior to the testing date.
Assessment Centre, Old Main Building, Room OM 1487
Thompson Rivers University
805 TRU Way
Kamloops, BC V2C 0C8
Phone: 250-828-5470
Fax: 250-371-5690 -
The Assessment Centre staff will notify you once the testing material arrives.
On the day of the test, be sure to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment and to bring picture ID and any other testing material permitted.
Scent-Free Notice: The Assessment Centre is a scent-free work environment. Since many people are extremely sensitive to perfumes, colognes, aftershaves and other scented products, we request that no one wears them at any time in the Centre. If a candidate does not comply with this policy, they will not be tested and they will be responsible for rescheduling their exam. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but we need to ensure the safety of all using this space.
Please report to:
Assessment Centre
Old Main Building, Room OM 1487
835 University Drive, Kamloops, BC
Map of Campus
TRU Visitor parking -
Once the testing session is completed, the Assessment Centre will return the testing material via regular mail unless other provisions are made by the institute/agency or yourself.