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Engineering Awards
We are pleased to be able to help our students succeed with the following financial awards. New awards are created every year and many awards are available to students regardless of their area of study.
Searchable list of all TRU awardsNSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
Twelve TRU students are awarded the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA). Each student receives a minimum of $7,500, allowing them to conduct research over a 16-week period from May to August.
These competitive, federally funded awards are designed to foster an interest in research and encourage students to pursue graduate studies in the fields of natural sciences and engineering. The funds allow faculty to spend the summer working with exceptional students and help advance their own research programs.
Software engineer student Aniket Mondal won one of the awards in 2022. He spent his summer working on a project alongside Dr. Omer Waqar studying deep learning and intelligent reflecting surface technologies for 6G wireless communication.

Ken Lepin Prize of Excellence in Software Engineering Award
Awarded to engineering student Lorelei Guidos
A $4,400 award provided annually to a top full-time domestic (Canadian citizens and permanent residents) student graduating that year in the Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering. The award winner will be one whose achievements have distinguished the student as exceptional. The selection will consider: academic achievements, research accomplishments, leadership activities and active involvement in the university and/or general community. Additional criteria will include consideration of practical and theoretical achievements, attitude and professional deportment, ability to work with others and leadership potential. This award will be made to the top student possessing these characteristics without prejudice to other awards that the recipient may have received.
Acres Enterprises Industry Innovation Competition
The objective of the competition is to solve a real-world, business problem. The goal is to encourage students to produce a feasible design despite limited materials and preparation time. Engineers are often required to think quickly to produce a working solution given limited resources. Competitors combine teamwork and problem-solving skills to design, construct, test, and present a previously undisclosed project.
Acres Enterprises Technology Excellence Entrance Award
These entrance awards recognize the winners of the SD73 & TRU Acres Enterprises Industry Innovation Competition. The ideal candidates for this award show a passion for technology and innovation, and a willingness to go above and beyond to solve problems at hand. This award will be evenly split between the winning School District 73 team.
Acres Enterprises Technology Excellence Award
These faculty-adjudicated awards recognize the winners of the Acres Enterprises Industry Innovation Competition. The ideal candidates for this award show a passion for technology and innovation, and a willingness to go above and beyond to solve problems at hand. Mentorship and potential work-placement opportunities at Acres Enterprises are offered as part of these awards. Award amount will be split evenly amongst winning team.
Past Winners
2023 - Acres Enterprises Technology Excellence Entrance AwardTeam Valleyview - Eeman Aleem and Ivailo Stoychev
2023 - Acres Enterprises Technology Excellence Award
Team "Pandora's Box" - Nicholas Plumtree, Chase Swanson, Kaden Giles, and Andrew Peaker
2020 Co-op Student of the Year Award

The engineering program and university are two things I really believe in. I’m very excited to watch and help them grow.
— Lorelei Guidos (Read more about the award)