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Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) Degree

Learning opportunities include field study, such as this one in Kenya.
The Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies is a two-year degree program which students generally enter after two years, or 60 credits, of undergraduate study. The program allows you to design your own customized curriculum.
- Tailor studies to a specific career or post-graduate program. Students applying to professional programs or graduate school can adapt their curriculum to their educational needs.
- Choose from options within the BIS, including such streams as pre-architecture, pre-medicine, pre-law, and pre-urban planning.
- Receive credit for relevant workplace learning.
- Build on a diploma or associate degree. Transfer students with two-year diplomas (the equivalent of 60 credits) from other institutions are able to ladder into the BIS degree.
- Explore career options through Co-op Education placements.
- Conduct independent research.
- Work closely with experienced and knowledgeable faculty mentors.
Students who want a more flexible and varied learning experience in their university degree program, and those who are not yet sure of a career path, can complete a wide range of courses during their first two years of study before entering the BIS degree. This allows students to explore their interests, passions and potential career options without having to plan a specific major within an arts, science or business degree program.
The BIS degree is also designed to build on two-year diplomas and associate degrees offered across British Columbia and throughout Canada, and can normally be completed in four semesters of full-time study.
Program policies
As part of the required 60 credits in the BIS degree, students must complete the three required IDIS courses.
- The minimum requirement for graduation is 120 credits (60 diploma or degree program credits + 60 additional academic credits after admission to the BIS.)
- Successful completion of IDIS 300: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies
- Successful completion of IDIS 498: The Research Project
- Successful completion of IDIS 499: The Graduating Essay
Some students may require more than 120 credits, depending on the evaluation of transfer credits from diploma programs or the nature of credits transferred from other universities.
Post-graduate study
The BIS provides students with the opportunity to continue on to interdisciplinary post-graduate study or to post-graduate professional programs such as architecture, law, planning, medicine, library science, occupational therapy, dentistry, and naturopathy.
The career options for the BIS are numerous. Possible career tracks include: architecture, law, medicine, planning, education, public service, management, human resources, public relations, tourism, professional writing, marketing, politics, library science, communications, publishing, counselling, entrepreneur, foreign service, arts and culture, occupational therapy, dentistry, and naturopathy.