Customs Declaration
This form will be handed to you by a flight attendant prior to landing in Canada. The Customs Declaration Form below is provided as a sample only and might be outdated. For more information, please see the government of Canada website.

- Your last name, first name in English, date of birth (year/month/date) use two digit numbers only, and your nationality
- Home address in your country, city, and postal code
- Put your flight information; airplane name and flight number
- Check “Study”
- If you are coming from the U.S. check “U.S. Only”
- If you are coming from your country and not stopping at the U.S., check “Other country direct”
- If you are coming from your country and making a stop in the U.S., check “Other country via U.S.”
- Read carefully and check whatever is applicable to you
- Write the number of days you will stay in Canada
- Sign on Declaration Form and put today’s date