Sweater Day

Stay cozy, save the world
Wear a sweater for TRU Sweater Day!
Thank you to all who participated in TRU Sweater Day 2024! We look forward to seeing you in 2025!
In a continued tradition, the TRU Sustainability Office is excited to announce its annual Sweater Day to raise awareness on ways we can reduce energy consumption during chilly winter days while still staying warm.
Everyone is encouraged to wear a sweater while the temperature in most campus buildings is lowered by a maximum of one degree (certain buildings will be exempt from these changes). Lowering the thermostat by just a few degrees saves approximately 10 per cent in energy consumption. You can participate at home as well.
Together we can conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gasses. Let’s bundle up, put on a sweater, and stay warm while it's cold outside!
Check out this guide to Dressing Warmly and Sustainably in the Winter!
Sweater portrait photo booth and contest
Students can enter the contest by taking a selfie in their sweater and emailing it to sustain@tru.ca. Online submissions will be accepted until Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024. Or visit our best-ever photo booth on Student Street in Old Main. Sweaters will be judged based on three categories: coziest, ugliest and animal-est (leopard print, lion graphic — whatever).
Winners will receive the Ultimate Cold Relief Kit, which includes a heated blanket, thermos, hot chocolate, scarves, socks, and more.
In addition, all participants in the contest will be entered into our draw for a stylish Patagonia toque.
Blender bike hot chocolate and cookies
Hot chocolate and cookies will be offered to anyone who stops by our photo booth. Oh, and an old friend will be making an appearance to make sure your hot chocolate is nice and frothy — the blender bike is back! Peddling required.
Free sweaters and mugs
Our friends at Value Village have kindly donated 100 mugs — which will be used to serve hot chocolate — and you get to keep the mug. Or bring your own. No single-use mugs will be available. Value Village also donated an assortment of sweaters and anyone who talks with us at our table gets to grab one for free. It's first come, first served, so come say hi.
Warm clothes donations
A clothing donation station will also be available for those looking to donate clean and gently used clothing to help those in need.