About / Contact
Reach out any time — we're happy to help!
General inquiries | ipe@tru.ca |
Executive requests | dcrespin@tru.ca |
Surveys, evaluation and compliance reporting | sklassen@tru.ca |
Institutional analytics, reporting, modelling and forecasting | mkennedy@tru.ca |
Market research and initiative support | ssalem@tru.ca |
Data systems governance and strategy | nbartlett@tru.ca |
Strategic planning and foresight services | dprymak@tru.ca |
Support and services
IPE provides access to internal and external information for the university community and is responsible for a large portion of the reporting requirements to governments and external agencies.
Accountability reporting
- BC accountability plans and reports
- Central data warehouse submissions
- The university presidents' council reporting
- External performance measures
- Statistics Canada submissions
Planning support
- Support to strategic planning
- Support to retention initiatives
- Support to space and facilities planning
- Participation in internal committees
- Environmental scanning
- Scenario and strategic foresighting under planning support
Information support and analysis
- Enrolment analyses
- Key performance indicators
- Space and facilities analyses
- Publications and reports
- Faculty workload analyses
Operational research
- Data quality standards
- Evaluation methodology
- Higher education literature and research
- Participation with external organizations
- Tableau user training
Survey research
- Applicant, student and graduate research
- Survey methodology and design
- Survey administration
- Survey audits and coordination
- Coordination of external survey participation
Enrolment management
- Prospect, applicant and enrolment funnels
- Conversion and yield modeling
- Retention tracking and analyses
- Enrolment projections and demand analyses
- FTE reporting
Our mission
To provide the highest quality information, reporting, planning, and operational research through unbiased analytical services to assist decision-making and planning so that TRU can fulfill its mission.
Our vision
As the central point for information at TRU, IPE will be recognized as a leader within our profession by providing the highest quality services and processes.
Our values
Lifelong learning
We strive for continuous improvement through inquiry-based, ongoing, self-motivated learning. We seek out formal and informal opportunities to learn and further our personal and career development.
We strive to communicate effectively and encourage interaction to solve issues, share best practices and maximize our efforts as a team. We believe teamwork leverages our individual strengths. We combine diverse expertise and personal initiative, creating a powerful synergy to accomplish our shared goals. We are supportive towards each other and maintain a respectful and courteous attitude while fulfilling our responsibilities.
We strive to apply the highest standards of excellence in our conduct and performance. We provide a great work environment and embrace the diversity of our team by treating one another with respect and dignity. We take pride in our work and hold ourselves accountable to our clients, our team members, and our University by honoring our commitments.
Quality of service
We strive to provide excellent service. Through accuracy and consistency in our work we meet client needs and ensure their satisfaction. Our goal is to provide insightful, timely and reliable information, reporting, planning and operational research.
We strive to be adaptable and flexible to meet the needs of our clients by using best practices and methods. In a constantly changing higher education landscape, we use a diverse set of skills to perform a wide variety of tasks efficiently and effectively.
Ethics statement
This office is guided by the principles and standards outlined in:

Code of Ethics for Institutional Research
The Code of Ethics of the Canadian Institutional Research and Planning Association was adopted and adapted from the Code of Ethics of the Association of Institutional Research. The Code is purposed to provide members of the Association with some broad ethical statements with which to guide their professional lives and to identify relevant considerations when ethical uncertainties arise. It also provides a means for individuals new to the profession to learn about the ethical principles and standards that should guide the work of institutional researchers.
Learn more
AIR Statement of Ethical Principles
Data use for decision-making in higher education is critical for improving student success and institutional effectiveness. Those improvements are valuable only when achieved through integrity, professionalism, and fairness.
In September 2019, the Association for Institutional Research (AIR) Board of Directors approved the AIR Statement of Ethical Principles to modernize the principles guiding our professional community.
Learn more