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Thompson Rivers University
Thompson Rivers University

Wayfinding FAQ

 I want to send something to someone at TRU — how do I address the package?

Include the name and office number of the department or person you want to reach along with the main mailing address. The address of your building should not be included in your mailing address.

Thompson Rivers University
Marketing and Communications, CT201
805 TRU Way
Kamloops, BC V2C 0C8

Thompson Rivers University
J. Smith HR001
805 TRU Way
Kamloops, BC V2C 0C8

 Is TRU’s postal code changing?

No, the postal code remains the same: V2C 0C8

 When does this take effect? When should I start using the new addresses?

The new mailing address took effect on May 1, 2017. Canada Post will redirect mail sent to 900 McGill Road until April 30, 2018.

Building addresses can start to be used once the campus signs are updated over the next few months.

 What address should I put on my business cards, letterhead and envelopes?

All stationery will include only the mailing address of 805 TRU Way. As many people move offices around campus it was decided that it would be better to just include the mailing address.

Also, business cards are very crowded with information already and adding a second address, in some cases, is just not feasible.

 Where do I use the new building address?

Your new building address can be used in the signature block of your emails.

J. Smith
Thompson Rivers University
HR001 - 943 College Dr
Mailing: 805 TRU Way
Kamloops, BC V2C 0C8

You can also use the building address on your Department or Faculty webpage.

 What if my department or faculty is spread out across multiple buildings?

Use the building address of the dean’s office or department head.

 Why was this change implemented? Was it necessary?
  1. Emergency Wayfinding — to provide emergency responders from the 911 operator to those arriving on campus the exact location where they are needed. And for those on campus to provide exact locations of where those services are needed.
  2. In conjunction with the TRU Community Trust — their developments within the campus will require legal addresses.
  3. General Wayfinding — to allow visitors to campus, whether for deliveries, meetings or events, to find their destination as well as for those on campus to provide directions to others
 I have envelopes, letterhead and other materials with the old address. What should I do?

Because Canada Post will redirect mail addressed to 900 McGill Road until April 30, 2018, faculty and staff are encouraged to run down their supplies of letterhead and business cards before restocking. Print Services and Marketing and Communications will ensure new addresses are incorporated into any new materials.

 How do I go about ordering new stationery?

Once you have used up your stationery supplies, please contact Print Services for new business cards, printed letterhead and envelopes.

Download a Word letterhead template for your own electronic use here.

 Why is the main address the warehouse address?

To accommodate Canada Post, 805 TRU Way, the physical location of the warehouse, is where mail will be delivered. Once delivered to the warehouse by Canada Post, mail and supplies will then be distributed on campus by our own staff as is the current practice.

 Why was 805 chosen as the main address and not another number?

The number was not chosen; as with all other campus buildings, it was assigned by the City of Kamloops.

 What will the address of The Reach be?

As an urban community that will include living spaces, retail, market, office, learning and many other amenities, The Reach will encompass more than one address.

Phase 1 of the development at The Reach will begin with residential condos on Parcel E, a north-facing parcel of land behind the Old Main building at TRU. As with all current and future buildings at TRU, the City will assign addresses as the buildings progress through the City Development Services process.

 What happens if people send mail to the individual building addresses? Does it auto forward to the main address?

It will be returned to sender.

 What happens if I give a physical address to a vendor or other entity?

The mail might be delivered to the main warehouse but more than likely will be returned to sender.

 What address goes on my business card?

The university mailing address goes on all correspondence, which includes letterhead, envelopes and business cards.

 Why don’t we put our physical address on our business card?

For a number of people there is already so much information on their business card that there is no space for the physical address. As well, people can move buildings which would require updating their cards.

 How can we ensure people know where to go?

Use your physical address in your email signature block when communicating with possible visitors to campus.

Addresses of each building
Building Name Address
Administrative Services Building 944 Campus Dr.
Arts and Education 945 University Dr.
Brown Family House of Learning 965 College Dr.
Campus Activity Centre 1055 University Dr.
Cariboo Child Care Society 810 Sk'lep Trail
Chappell Family Building for Nursing and Population Health 840 College Dr.
Childcare 850 Sk'lep Trail
Clock Tower 815 University Dr.
Continuing Studies Building 1100 University Dr.
Culinary Arts Training Centre 878 College Dr.
Facilities Workshop 815 TRU Way
Faculty Association (House 1) 830 Sk'lep Trail
Gymnasium 985 Campus Dr.
Horticulture (House 10) 1030 University Dr.
Human Resources 943 College Dr.
Indigenous and Intercultural Offices 860 Sk'lep Trail
Industrial Training and Technology Centre 1080-B University Dr.
International 905 University Dr.
Ken Lepin Building 859 College Dr.
Materials Distribution Centre 805 TRU Way
Old Library, Administration & Research Annex 805 University Dr.
Old Main 835 University Dr.
On-campus Housing 1055 Campus Dr.
Radio CFBX (House 8) 1048 University Dr.
Research Centre and Faculty Annex N 880 Sk'lep Trail
Research Greenhouses 825 TRU Way
Residence and Conference Centre 1025 University Dr.
STaR Centre (House 9) 1040 University Dr.
Sustainability Office 943 College Dr.
The Gathering Place (House 5) 870 Sk'lep Trail
Trades and Technology 1080 University Dr.
Veterinary Technology 890 TRU Way

The new building addresses can also be found in Telbook, which is tied to the 911 system. In case of an emergency, if you call 911 from your hardwired TRU phone, 911 will automatically see all the information in Telbook—your name, office number, building and street address—allowing them to dispatch emergency services to your location more effectively.

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